Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Chapter 13: The Oracle of Turtle Island

author's notes: from now on. when i describe some things, i'll try to add some picture so that you can have a visual on roughly how it would look like. hope you like this addition.

It was a bright Sunday morning, and it was early. “It’s 6am, Sis! Stop sparring would ya?!” Ruby yawned, and stared at his two sisters tearing up the courtyard. He worn nothing except a 3/4 pants and a pair of slippers.

“Oh shut up, Rub! You would do this too if you have your ESP usage raised to 80%!” Chorused Topaz and Sapphire together, never stopping their fight.

Sapphire was using a double headed boomerang hook and Topaz was using a pair of razor-scaled whips, both of course the result of their own individual ESP powers.

Both the twin sisters have similar powers, but they each differ in their preference. Sapphire likes to produce weapons that she can hold in her hand and guide its path to its enemy directly while Topaz preferred to create monsters that can attack from afar as well as being able to merge with her to be both her armor as well as weapon.

Ruby’s eyes widen when he heard the 80%, then ducked a wildly parried whip, exclaiming, “I’m not RUB!!! What did you say?! 80% ESP released?!”

Amethyst quipped from behind Ruby, leaning against a pillar by the side of the courtyard door, “Yeps, you heard it right, bro. Here, these are yours. Just wear it with your old ones, they should fuse together. Oh yeah, Topaz, there’s a private message from one of our contacts. You should look at it, it’s strange.”

So saying, Amethyst tossed Ruby his rings and grinned expectantly. Everyone has a different reaction to having their powers released from limitation.

Ruby, slipped the rings on, and watch intently as the rings slowly fused together, then closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Both Topaz and Sapphire had stopped their sparring to watch their brother’s ‘Energy Release Reaction”.

Ruby’s body glowed a bright red for a moment, then he gave an involuntary shiver which started from the top of his spine and ended at his head after traveling down to his toes, then back up again toward the top. A fiery pair of wings unfurled from his back, vines grew and curled lovingly against his legs, a gentle breeze swept across the courtyard, gently caressing his form, silver icicles adorned his thick mane and lastly a bright flash of lightning zapped down from the heaven and marked his chest with a symbol.

The symbol looked like a lightning streak encased within an icicle that was wrapped with vines, all of which was inside a circle with four arrows at the north, south, east and west direction.

The symbol gradually disappears after it gave off a bright flash of blinding swirling colors.

“Hmm… pretty much a show-off.” Topaz observed wryly. Sapphire and Amethyst agreed laughingly. Amethyst quipped, “Sapphire’s was a spinning tornado of blue-y roses and Topaz’s was just a stupid flash of gold light that almost killed my eyes.”

Ruby opened his eyes, a new serenity alight in it. “That was awesome.” He said quietly. All 3 girls exclaimed the moment they saw his eyes, it had turned red with green and gold flecks, they chorused, “Nii-chan! Your eyes!”

Ruby just smiled and then walked back into the house. The 3 girls just stared at him, puzzle by such a reaction, usually the Ruby they know would have whooped and hopped around like a little kid.

Topaz exclaimed, “Oh gosh! The private message!” She turned and dashed into the house, dispelling her whips as she went.

Amethyst tapped her fingers against her chin, and reminded Sapphire, “Nee-chan, my website?”

“Holy!” Sapphire gave a start, then smiled, “Hehe! Wait til you see it. C’mon, Amey, to my room, I’ll need to upload though.”

Topaz read through the private message 3 times in a row, unbelieving its content. “The Fabled Oracle of Turtle Island herself?! I though it was just a myth!” She whispered, a chill running down her spine.

To her knowledge, the Oracle of Turtle Island is the guardian of the fate of all that happens on Earth; she reigns above all oracles and seers and has alone has all the powers and rights to prevent prophesies from being announce to the world, if she wished. She lives alone on a large island which actually grew atop of a real mystical turtle that was said to be the first ever turtle to attain a thinking consciousness and achieve spiritual powers.

She stared at the date again, “Crap, this message is 2 days old! I’ll have to kill Sapphire again, lousy file scans!”

And just then the doorbell rang, pressed 3 times in a row followed by 1 time after a 1 second pause, the signal that announced the arrival of the Oracle, just as the message said it would be.

The Oracle of Turtle Island has arrived!

Ruby's Energy Release Symbol

Ruby's New Eyes after his Awakening