Monday, April 14, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Chapter 8: Trouble Starts

author's notes: this chapter has a surprise fan character from another similar fanfic thrown in. Its getting into the main happenings, so enjoy.

Year 2008, at a certain pub in Singapore.

“Get away from my girl, punk ass.” A guy with yellow-streaked hair and a ponytail hollered and stared at him. Ruby looked up, in the midst of playing a guessing game with a pretty brunette. Grinning amiably and lifting up his hands in a surrendering gesture, “Hey man, be nice. You were out on the dance floor, dude. I’m just entertaining a lonely girl, that’s all. No harm done.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to play with my girl, punk. Wise up, or you’ll get hurt.” growled the man in reply, his face a thunder cloud.

Smiling and hiding his true thoughts while backing away, Ruby scrutinized the guy. He appeared to be about the same age range, strikingly handsome. Moreover, he detected a small leak of ESP energy from the guy, and was most interested.

If it comes to fighting, both physical and ESP wise, Ruby was confident he wouldn’t lose easily. A 6th Dan black belt in Judo, 4th Dan black belt in Ju-jitsu and an off-the-scale ESP user to boot, he knew there were not many who can defeat him. However, his ESP powers were limited, because of a ring on each of his index fingers. For his own life’s sake, he had his powers limited to that of a Class A ESPer, the amount of which is barely 50% of his full power.

He went back to his circle of friends who came with him, and had dared him to lay hands on the guy’s girl. Hoots and cheers greeted him, smiling, Ruby accepted them all. He downed his drink all in a gulp, then excused himself to the loo. Peering at his own image while washing his hands, he smiled. No lady would refused a young man with broad shoulders, stands at 1.77m tall, crowned with thick wavy natural jet black hair carefully mused and top everything off with a boyishly handsome face.

Touching his gold earring, he spoke quietly, “Elementals reporting in. Target spotted. Hermes is closing in,”

“Test him out, if he’s evil, get rid of him. Else, let him go on his own pace.” The speaker hissed

“Gotcha. Mission starts.”

Ruby grinned, he loved his job. With his speciality power, he could discern an ESPer’s true personality just by feeling out their powers. His ruby eyes can see ESP energy and can peer right into a person’s body, and he can manipulate a person’s ESP channels within the body to seal it up temporally.

When he got out, he spotted the target. He was arguing about something with his girl. “Hey! I changed my mind. Let me have the girl. After all, you suck, big time.” He called out gleefully, excited that a fight is coming his way. It was only because of his love of fighting that he took on this job, there were plenty of opportunities for fights to go around.