Monday, April 7, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Chapter 5: Traitor! End of Mission AoiHoshi

author's notes: This chapter is remarkably full of actions and not much dialogs, future ones will hold much more interactions between characters as the story progress into its main rail.

Fast Hands snapped back into reality at the words of his lookout, Jiro, his long time friend, back when they were both students studying in junior high. Hissing in annoyance, Fast Hands activated his sonic speed ability fully and disappeared into the caravan, so fast that he left a phantom image in his place.

Jianne gave a start as the rugged, darkly handsome figure start to glow a little and slowly became more and more translucent. Instinct told her something dangerous was about to happen; backing away towards the caravan, her eyes fixed warily on the disappearing strange man, she was not aware of the danger behind her until the very last second.

Suddenly, the caravan behind her exploded. Debris flew in every direction. Uncannily, Jianne knew exactly which direction to dodge was the safest, and did exactly that; she drove to the ground and fluidly change her movements to a forward roll that would bring her back up to her feet. She paused for a moment to look back and was relieved to see that her instincts did not fail her; a large splinter of glass a foot long had pierced the ground where she had been.

She may have dodged a deadly spike, but a relatively non-lethal debris hit her. Or would have hit her had not a hand holding a dagger appeared from behind and proceed to sliced what had previously been a part of the caravan door into harmless pieces that fell to the hard ground with a thud.

Jianne turned back with a jerk to see the stranger standing behind her, his left hand clutching something tightly. She snarled and would have gone into a fury of blows to attack the stranger had not a corpse slammed into her from the side. Struggling from underneath the dead weight, she witnessed an amazing fight, one that held her entranced so completely that she froze; only her eyes darted about.

The clearing suddenly exploded into action as six strangers all in dark ninja-like clothing and wearing a mask arrived, each displaying strange skills aimed at the manly figure in trench coat. Once again, the figure of the man glowed and did the slow-fading act, but now, a series of amazing actions began to take place.

Two of the ninja suddenly collapsed to the ground, their throat cleanly slit, spurting fountains of blood. One disappeared from sight, but suddenly fell from the sky with a thud, a large gaping hole where the heart was. Another two screamed as their arms suddenly detached from their bodies, separated into a few portions. The grounds near the last man imploded several times, large furrows appearing after the dust settled. A sudden flash of light and a fountain of blood a moment later confirmed the death of the last man.

The corpse was suddenly lifted from her. Jianne gave a yelp as the strange Trench Coat seemed to suddenly appear before her very eyes, looming stark against the moonlight. He offered a helping hand, one that Jianne was wary to accept. He suddenly gave a curse, leaned down, grabbed her arm suddenly, Jianne felt her world spin and tilted, then all is no more.

She woke to sounds of quiet sobs, amidst fierce and violent curses.

“Darnnit!! Damn that Knives! Bloody traitor! Oh Jiro….WHY!!! WHY!! …. I should have listened to you from the beginning, Jiro. You were always right….”