Monday, April 14, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Chapter 7: Power of the Roses

author's notes: "anata" is usually mean "you" in the japanese language. However, it is also used as an endearment much like "dear".

And for your information, there are such breed of dogs as Mongolian Wolfhound, though it is commonly referred to as Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound (BMW). Visit this webpage for more info as well as pictures:

1988 October 10, Singapore. Chiaki Residence, Adam’s Field Cottage.

“Anata! Come help me with Gon! He won’t stop running around!”

Chiaki rolled his eyes, there goes his afternoon leisure time with his daughters, Sap and Top. “That what I get for marrying a non-ESPer. Sigh~” He sighed heavily, smiled his apologies to his twin daughters and got up to help his wife with bathing their Mongolian Wolfhound, Gon.

Chiaki and Jianne, having survived the great onslaught 8 years ago had banded together since, forming a new team that consisted only of the two of them. Chiaki had tried to win over Jianne’s heart for years before she finally relented, consented and married him, giving him 3 children and a 4th on the way; two daughters and a rascally son.

The son, Ruby, named for his unusual red-colored iris, a permanent reaction to his father’s ESPer powers, now 3 years of age is sleeping peacefully in his little clot. Blissfully unaware of the upcoming storm.

Sap and Top were not the girls’ real names; it is just short for Sapphire and Topaz. The girls, though twins, exhibit different reaction to their father’s ESP abilities. Chiaki, on a whimsical urge, had touched all 3 of his children’s mind with his ESPer powers just right after their birth to see if they are ESPers too. To his surprise, the unformed baby’s mind responded to his ESP pulse probe. Sapphire’s baby eyes turned from black to blue and blazed white for a moment before turning back to their usual midnight black. Topaz’s had the same reaction; just that her eyes blazed a golden hue before changing back, it did not exhibit the white blaze seen from her sister.

In seniority, Ruby, the eldest came first, born in 1985, December 22. Next came Sapphire and Topaz, Topaz being the elder sister of just 8 minutes, born 1988 January 11.

Topaz, being of a more passive nature, sat quietly flipping an art book, or rather trying to, being all of 9 months old. Sapphire, however, being very curious and a bit hungry, was alternating playing with daddy’s old pendant and biting to see if it could be eaten. However, having no teeth, the sapphire roses cut deeply into her gums. Screaming her pain, her innate powers suddenly surfaced. The roses on the pendant all shattered, Sapphire lost consciousness, falling backwards. The shattered roses suddenly glow a bright blue and all of them stabbed down into the body of Sapphire.

Chiaki and Jianne heard the scream, rushed back into the living room using Chiaki’s sonic speed and stopped dead.

Uncounted blue light shinned from Sapphire’s body which is floating in mid air. The air around her glow white periodically, sending heat waves back and forth through the air. The wind howled as it heats up and burned and create space for more air to rush into it. The storm has started.

Topaz sat quietly calm, staring at space, her eyes ablaze with a yellow brilliance, much like the sun. Chiaki stood stock still, his eyes riveted at the scene unfolding before him. Its magnitude was so great, so much so that even the usually quick thinking and even faster action Chiaki did nothing more then to stand gawking like a kid before a porn flick. Jianne collapse straight, unable to withstand such magnitude of ESP that was probably off the scale.

Suddenly, a sparkling cheery red beam shot from the nursery and hit the mixture of white, blue and yellow brilliance in the living room. Ruby has joined the fight, it seemed. Suddenly the whole room imploded and engulfed the whole residence in flames.

The fires were put out 44 minutes later; fire fighters rescued a family of five who survived their residence’s explosion unharmed. A miracle, or not. Sapphire’s both palms bore 12 new scars, white little rose-like shapes, 6 on each palm. They glowed, every now and then.

Amidst all the rubble and debris, a certain pendant lay cracked into a dozen pieces, each with a single hole bored nicely into them, 5mm in diameter.