Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Chapter 12: Roses ain’t just there for fun!

author's notes: alright so very sorry for any delay on his update. Was busy for awhile and my comp had problems on the typing stuffs~ my copying to clipboard functions dun seem to work!

slowly, i'll try to explain what each of the roses does and what it can do. however, do bare with me as it may not conform to what you may know. rest assured that research is being taken to ensure that i know what i am writing at and not just sprouting gibbish.

“Lets just say then I’m pretty impressed. You finished off the 3 of them in just…” Diethard glanced at his watch, “20 seconds.” He smiled and began circling Sapphire, all the while talking non-stop.

Sapphire’s attention was not on Diethard, “There must be some trick, he’s talking to divert my attention.” She thought, eyes and ears primed to catch anything suspicious.

“… So, would you please explain how you did that? Force absorption can’t just be the extent of your powers, right? ” This caught Sapphire’s attention for the crucial moment.

She snapped her focus back at him, replying indifferently, “I supposed there is no harm in telling you, that is just 1/12 of what I can do and there is still my ultimate that I can’t be bothered to use on you. Though, I believe I can show you the 12 Roses I suppose, if you can last though them all.”

With that said, Sapphire sprang forward, both hands curled into Tiger Claws. Diethard stopped circling and sprang forward, with 5 other clones appearing from behind him and red markings all appearing on them.

“Faculty of Strength, perfect!” Sapphire though amusingly. The 6 Diethards surrounded her, and began punching and kicking ferociously. The ground periodically explodes as strikes went awry. Dirt and dust cloud the air; the fighting figures a blur as they fought faster and faster.

Through all of these, Sapphire calmly counter each punch and kick with precision using a combination of Tiger, Crane, Eagle, Snake, Mantis and Dragon Style of Chinese martial arts, all the while storing up all the kinetic and potential energy these strikes produce.

“Rose of Energy: Energy in any isolated system remains constant and can never be lost, but it may change form. That is the law that governs my Rose of Energy and gives me the ability to change the form of any energy types freely once I’ve absorbed it into my body.” Sapphire laughed inwardly, drunk on the amount of energy stored in her body.

Suddenly, Sapphire changed her movements, no longer hard and precise but soft and gentle, in a matter of seconds all of the clones were blown off their feet, so full of power were the strikes that each blow they received gave off wet sickening crunches. The clones disappeared as they hit the ground. The original Diethard barely dodged a palm strike from Sapphire, having a hard time adjusting to her movements.

The original Diethard sprang back, shock registering on his face, “What was that! Tai Chi?!” He exclaimed.

Sapphire nodded, “Yes, to fully utilize the amount of energy that I got from your clones. Thanks to you, I’ve got enough to fight for like 2 days straight.” She grinned wickedly.
Diethard frowned, “Damnations! I was used!” He forced a grin, “Strong as it may be, I can produce clones unlimited, you cannot defeat me. Looks like I have to use my special ability now.”

5 more clones appear beside him, their outward appearance having no change whatsoever. Diethard sprang forward, “Let’s see how you deal with my special ability!”

Once again, Sapphire went into the fray, however this time, as she destroys one clone, another took its place immediately. There is no end to them all, and she cannot be sure which is the clone and which is the master.

After a moment, she noticed something strange, the energy that she acquire from all the clones previously seemed to be used up faster then normal. Realization hit her squarely suddenly; Diethard’s special ability is life stealing! As her life force was being drained all this time by each time she touch a clone, her energy reserve were used to replenish her life force.

Sapphire sprang back, stepping on one of the Diethard’s shoulder to launch herself up into the air, “Rose of the Black Hole, activate!” A rose marking appeared on her right palm, slightly different in shape to the Energy Rose on her left. Thus armed now with 2 Roses, Sapphire joint back the fray. She landed on top of a tree branch in a crouch.

Raising her right palm, she slowly curled her hand into a Tiger Claw, a small black ball slowly materializing, spinning madly. Grinning confidently now, she back flip down to the ground where the group of Diethards were waiting.

“What is that?” Diethard asked curiously. “You will know in a second.” Sapphire replied, smirking.

Diethard gave a curse and charged, his clones moving faster then before and seemed to be hitting harder too. However, this time, Sapphire avoided touching any of the clones as much as possible, only meeting them with her left palm on direct strikes. Her right palm with the pulsating black ball was dealing out much more damages. Each time a clone was hit with the black ball, it seemed to warp a bit before imploding and disappearing.

Diethard gave a curse, “What the…hell! A black hole now?! You bitch!” His life stealing ability now had no more effect as his clones were destroyed without being able to steal any life force, yet his own ESP energy were used up replenishing the clones.

Sapphire smirked, “What, you can’t take it anymore? Don’t you know black hole is simply just an occurrence where space time is warped, and nothing comes out except thermal energy call Hawking Radiation. And this energy is what I use to maintain this black hole and control it.”

“Damn you bitch!” Diethard snarled, and then gave a scream of pain. Sapphire had sprang forward in a blink, using her store of energy to boost her speed, the outstretched palm with the black hole grazing Diethard’s side as he dodged instinctively, and replace his position with another clone while his real body moved a distance away. The clone imploded immediately.

Diethard moaned, part of his real body was taken by Sapphire’s mini black hole! It bleed furiously, the wound looking like his flesh were gouged out with something like that of a drill. “You will see, I will make life difficult for you and have my revenge!” Diethard gritted out, making a strange gesture with his right hand.

The spot where he was suddenly was clouded with mists. When it cleared, Diethard was gone.

Sapphire released the power of both Roses, staring where Diethard was a moment ago. “That was a purposed miss.” She thought, “Count yourself lucky, Diethard, I’ve killed 3 today already. I have no wish to kill more then necessary.”

She set off for home, typing a message to her friend in poly, “Class at 8, Breakfast at 7.30?” She did not notice the gaze that pinned her in the back. Mysterious gaze that were filled with the unknown.