Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Celestial Zone 2.1 Fanfic Novel - Prologue: The Dimensions and the Stone of Knowledge

Many dimensions exist at the same time; so many that in fact, none could begin counting and still live to report his findings. Connecting all of these dimensions are the fabrics of time, interwoven with the strings of destiny. Each dimension has its own inhabitants and rules of living; some went down the path of magic, some went down the path of technology, and then some which stands wavering between both and some which merged both and stand solidly connected to all. All dimensions go through a certain amount of cycle of ages before slowly crumbling away to make way for a new dimension, ready to take its place in the fabrics of time.

Our story begins thus, originating from a nameless dimension in their last cycle. The human civilization had evolved so rapidly down the paths of magic they could predict the end of their dimension long before it came about. Thus, they scrambled to halt the falling of their world as they know it. However, when destiny beckons, nothing could resist it.

Realizing that they could not prevent its downfall, the greatest mage put forth a suggestion.

“We may ease to exist, however, our knowledge cannot go into the grave with us! Let us gather all we know and imbue it to a stone. Humans cannot travel through dimensions but stones can, for they do not age.”

This was brandied about and thought upon for generations before it was decided by the Wise Occult Lessomandt Serenity or WOLS for short, a council of a hundred of the greatest mages, that that is the only course left to humanity.

And so it was decided as thus, the hundred mages sacrificed all their life force to commit the weight of all their knowledge to a single sapphire stone, all save 1 who devised the greatest of all spells that came to be, one that will send the stone out traveling through the fabrics of time, casting ripples in its passing of dimensions.

As destiny would have it, the sapphire at last settled into a young dimension, still tottering about undecided whether to go down the path of magic or technology.

Earth’s dimension.